Ways That a Glass Fence Enhances a Pool

Ways That a Glass Fence Enhances a Pool

14 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

To keep everyone safe around your home pool, you'll need to install a fence. One option is a glass barrier. Read on to discover ways it will enhance your pool.

Extend the Pool's Use

Using glass pool fencing can extend the months in which you can swim by making the experience more comfortable. Glass barriers don't feature railing gaps that allow wind to rush through. Instead, they form a block. You might live in a cooler region and only enjoy swimming in summer. Or else, you may live in a warmer climate but you want to keep swimming through the winter. Regardless, a glass pool fence will extend the swimming season so you'll get more use out of the investment.

Neutral Design

A frameless glass pool fences create a relatively neutral design that doesn't detract from beautiful paving or other pool features. For example, you may spread lush travertine tiles over the decking and want it to be seen clearly without obstruction. Glass fencing won't wreck the ambience with obvious metal railings and other fencing components. Thus, you can focus on an attractive pool and paving.

Open Feeling

Some fence styles feature multiple railings that make the pool area feel confined and enclosed like tubular metal styles. However, even if the pool decking is small or you have a compact backyard, glass fencing will open up the site and make the yard appear larger, as you can see through the barrier. You'll also have a direct view of the garden in other parts of the yard. So, even though you're bathing in a separate area, you won't feel cut off from the greenery.


Glass pool fencing provides a safe barrier that helps prevent young children from gaining access when they're unaccompanied. The panels use toughened safety glass, which is multiple times tougher than regular float varieties. Tempered glass is also heat-resistant, so it won't degrade in the hot sun but will remain secure. Additionally, glass presents a smooth surface without footholes that allow children to scale the fence. Your installers will ensure that the barrier complies with the relevant safety standards.

Reduces Glare

Another way a glass fence can make your swimming experience more comfortable is that it can reduce glare if you install toned glass. You could connect bronze-, grey-, blue- or green-toned glass. These shades are created by minerals added to the glass during manufacture, so the colour runs throughout the panels, and it won't scratch or flake off. You could choose a blue or green that matches the pool water or increase the water's intensity with a contrasting bronze fence.

About Me
Choosing the right fence for your needs

Whether you want to keep something in, need to keep something out or both, a fence is your best option. For homeowners, a fence can provide added peace of mind. A backyard fence will help keep people and animals off your property. A fence will also keep your children and animals safely contained. Additionally, the right type of fence around your home will provide privacy. For business owners, a fence is imperative. A fence will help keep your facility secure. A fence will contain unsightly areas on your property and keep it looking neat and tidy. The right kind of fence can even help reduce noise. Explore the blogs on this site to better learn about the various fencing design and material options.
